King for a Day Under a Razor Sharp Dangling Sword
In ancient Sicily, in the palace of the tyrant Dionysius II of Syracuse, there resided an obsequious courtier by the name of Damocles. Eager to flatter and please, Damocles proclaimed to Dionysius how extraordinary the king’s wisdom and power were, the majesty of his rule, and what privilege to be surrounded by such wealth and opulence. Upon hearing this, Dionysius presented his courtier with an irresistible offer. Damocles could be king for a day and indulge in all of the extravagance and grandeur of the position. Damocles readily accepted.
The next day, every preparation was made, and the royal servants led Damocles to the throne hall, where he was seated on a golden couch. The court’s servants offered him sumptuous food, drink, and entertainment befitting a king. Enjoying himself immensely, Damocles happened to casually glance at the richly decorated ceiling, only to gasp in horror as he saw a razor-sharp sword hung high above his seat, dangling by a single hair from a horsetail. Damocles begged Dionysius to flee the throne, recognizing in that instant that with great power also comes great risk and responsibility.
Insight and Application: Dionysius was a ruthless ruler and had created many enemies during his reign. Damocles could only see the luxurious life his king lived and not the constant danger Dionysius faced. The average rank and file in your company may also be blissfully unaware of the complexity and risks you as a leader face in the everyday running of the business. The only way for your people to truly appreciate your perspective is for them to be seated in your chair.
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This is a story in the new book I’m writing, Leadership Parables, which will feature leadership lessons in highly memorable short story form. But I need your help. If you remember an anecdote that influenced the way you think about business and leadership, tell me about it. If your suggestion is selected, you will receive a copy of the book and credit as a contributor. If you would like to know when the book is released, please add your name here. And, if you have an idea to share, please contact me at
Also, check out my first book, The 7 Essential Stories Charismatic Leaders Tell, click here: